by Dr. Teresa Peterson
Hi everyone, it’s your friend Dr. Teresa Peterson bringing you the word of the week: vulnerability. (I know, I know . . . we don’t usually do a word of the week, but we’ve heard this one about three dozen times lately . . . so here we go! Hope this short 6 minutes and change offers some perspective.
What would your word of the week be? What else should we be thinking about related to making work, and the workplace, work better for humans? We’d love to hear your thoughts. You can email us anytime at hello@sarahnollwilson.com. As always, a pleasure, and I’ll see you again soon, friends.

Dr. Teresa Peterson
Dr. Teresa Peterson is the Director of Learning and Development for Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. In her daily work, she serves as Sarah’s key content collaborator. Teresa enjoys facilitating, researching, and is passionate about applying best practices for learning to make our experiences meaningful, engaging, and accessible for all types of learners. Teresa holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of Northern Iowa and brings over twenty years of experience teaching, facilitating, and leading to our team. Our clients love Teresa’s grounded energy, depth of thought, and ability to listen deeply.